Lake Renovation: Day 16

Today the driveway crew was back and they got most of the old asphalt driveway removed.  You can see the shape of the new driveway and it looks good.  The siding crew finished today and the siding looks great.  The plumbers are finished for now but the electrician has a few more days to go.  The concrete crew may pour the back patio as early as tomorrow so that will be exciting!

Lake Renovation: Day 15

Today was the end of week 3.  It was quite compared to the past two days.  The plumbers, electrician, and siding crews were here.  Siding looks like it'll finish up on Monday or Tuesday of next week.  Plumbing probably needs another day or two.  The electrician is just getting started so he'll probably need until the middle or end of next week.

Lake Renovation: Day 14

Today was another crazy day.  The driveway has taken it hard and is in rough shape so we're having to replace that also.  The concrete crew showed up to start tearing it out today.  A few tree guys were here as well taking down the rest of the large tree and then grinding it up.  They didn't leave until around 7:45pm when they finished.  The plumbers are making progress and the electrician also started today.  The siding crew finished most of the front and it's looking great.  The camera makes the siding look lighter than it is.

Lake Renovation: Day 13

Today we ended up having two giant trees taken out.  It's hard to tell from the pictures, but if you've seen them, you'll know how big they are.  The one ended up being about 60% rotten at the base and was probably a ticking time bomb.  The other is still standing about 20 ft high so we don't know what the base is like, but a few of the branches higher up were hollow.  We also had a large pine tree removed since it blocked part of the house and the trees on the lake side got trimmed.  We're planning to plant new trees next spring.

The siding crew worked away on the house and got one side and the rear finished.  The plumbing crew got the master bath waste lines in.  The contractor's crew added molding to the windows where the siding was completed and did a little work inside.

Lake Renovation: Day 12

Today was the first day for the plumbers and the siding crew.  While they got started, the contractor framed the windows with new cedar trim boards that will be painted white.  We also had two arborists stop by to look at some of our trees.  The plumbers ran into a little trouble when they accidently cut the water supply line and just about flooded the crawlspace. They got it fixed up but the crawl space is going to be very wet for a while.

Lake Renovation: Day 11

Today was the start of week three.  Nothing happened on day 10 unfortunately but there was some progress today.  It was both exciting and incredibly frustrating.

The new siding was delivered this morning.  It's a blue-grey color depending on the light and I think it'll look really nice when it's up, which should start tomorrow.  The windows were delivered shortly after and the guys got started installing them.  Unfortunately one window has the wrong color hardware on it and the slider has the wrong grill design.  It's not clear yet who's fault it is, so we're not sure if or who will be taking care of it.  All of the windows are in and look great though.  They also cut the hole for the crawl space access which was supposed to be in a closet, but both closets have large beams under them so that won't work.  Instead, it's going in the large guest bedroom, hopefully under a bed.

Today we also found out that the stamped concrete pattern we liked won't work on our patio so we have to pick a new one.  Then we discovered the the kitchen layout won't work with our larger fridge, so that's being redesigned.  We're also looking at what to do with the driveway and two large trees that are dying, so the budget might be in trouble...

Lake Renovation: Day 9

Not much happened today.  Casella came to swap out the dumpster so I took a quick picture while it was gone.  The posts holding up the front entrance roof are temporary until they pour the front pad.  Nothing else happened because the windows are delayed until Monday and I guess nothing else can progress until they're in.

Lake Renovation: Day 8

Today was a slower day with only the contractor and his two guys here.  They finished framing the master bedroom, bath, and closet and then installed the new beam over the front entrance and kitchen area.  Then they framed in the base of the front porch so that the concrete slab can be poured soon!

Lake Renovation: Day 7

Today they worked on putting down the new subfloor.  Meanwhile, we worked on a design for the new master bath and closet and the new kitchen layout. We were able to finalize both of those so they were able to start framing the dividing wall between the master bed and bath plus the new utility closet.  The new windows were supposed to come in today but didn't arrive, and we're not sure when they may show up, so that may delay some things. 

Lake Renovation: Day 6

Today they worked on taking out all of the old windows and reframing any areas where the size would change.  Then they put up the house wrap.  All except for two of the new windows are expected to arrive tomorrow.  They  also took down part of the wall between the front entry and the kitchen and removed the two beams which are being replaced by a single beam hopefully tomorrow.  All of the windows should be in by the end of the week.  Demolition is just about complete which means we'll start seeing things get put back together instead of taken apart!

On our todo list is picking a stamp and stain for the patio, finalizing the master bed/bath/closet/utility-room layout, finalizing the kitchen layout, and picking out a new front door followed shortly by the next wave of decisions!