Lake Renovation: Day 26

Today was the start of week 6.  Because it rained last night, they couldn't finish the driveway.  So it was a bit slower today.  The stone guys were here for a few hours.  The contractor and one of his guys was here finishing up the drywall and patching up some things.  There wasn't a lot of progress overall.

I posted this with old pictures originally.  The correct pictures are below.

Lake Renovation: Day 25

Today the concrete crew poured another section of the driveway.  They just have one more section to go.  The stone crew continued again on the outside of the house.  They also started installing the top ledge that goes above the stone.  The drywall inside is pretty much done and then poured some concrete to finish up the master bath floor.

Lake Renovation: Day 24

Today the whole circus was here.  The concrete guys poured another section of driveway. The stone guys finished the front of the house.  The contractor's team has the drywall just about up inside.  A new landscaping crew was here today starting to move dirt around.  The electrician was here working on the electrical. And the roofers stopped by to remove a vent stack that we apparently no longer need.  So it was very busy.

Lake Renovation: Day 23

Today saw a lot of changes.  The concrete crew was here and poured the new front sidewalk, part of the new turn-around, and the pad out by the little house.  They should finish everything either on Friday or Monday depending on how everything goes.  The stone crew got the entire one side of the house done.  The top ledge between the stone and the siding will be installed last. Last, but not least, the contractors got started on the drywall and probably got about half of it done.  It really helps you see what the kitchen will look like now that you can't see into our bedroom.

Lake Renovation: Day 22

Today, the concrete crew was going to start pouring the driveway, but it was too wet from the rain we had over the weekend.  So instead they excavated some of the base layer and replaced it to help it dry out faster.  Everything around is saturated so hopefully it'll be dry enough tomorrow.  The patio guys were back and they pressure washed of the release color layer and then sealed it so you can really see the finished color and texture.  The contractors team worked on caulking around the windows and installing the cement board in the new shower.  

Today was also the first day for the stone work.  They spent most of the day prepping the surface for the stone but the did get a little of it installed.  We're getting closer each day to the outside being done!

Lake Renovation: Day 21

Today was the start of week 5 and it was a pretty slow day.  The contractor and one of his guys was here and they built the posts to hold up the front porch and added the trim so you can see what it'll really look like.  The electrician was here again working.  He laid out the new conduit for the pole light which will be buried beneath the new driveway.  This afternoon, the drywall was delivered.  Tomorrow there should be more action again!

Lake Renovation: Day 20

Today was the end of week 4.  We're 40% of the way there in theory.

The concrete crew was here again to pour the rest of the back patio.  There was a chance of rain but they decided to go ahead and give it a try.  The rain held off and they got it done.  This morning we had an initial electrical inspection and then the spray foam crew was hear to insulate the house.  SInce the outside sheathing isn't in great shape, we decided to go with spray foam to get a better R value plus a vapor barrier built in.

Drywall should start next week along with pouring the driveway and the stone on the house.  So the exterior should be mostly complete by the end of the next week and the interior should go quickly once the drywall is up.

Lake Renovation: Day 19

Today the concrete crew was here to pour the back patio.  After they pour the concrete, they add a releasing powder that adds some color depth.  Then they have to wait an hour or two before they can stamp it. So the grey color is the release and the concrete is a tan color.  They got half of the patio done and planned to do the other half, but then it looked like it might rain so they poured the front porch instead.  The electrician worked for a little while but it's still quite a ways from being done.  There's supposed to be an inspection and then insulation installed tomorrow but I don't think that's going to work.

Lake Renovation: Day 18

Today the concrete crew removed the remaining parts of the old driveway and prepared the area for the new driveway.  Inside, the electrician continued to work and they dug a trench from the utility pole to the house to bury the electrical feed.

Lake Renovation: Day 17

Today was pretty slow.  Only the electrician was here.  He's making progress, but there's not much to see yet.  The stone for around the outside of the house was delivered so hopefully that installation will start soon.